Advertise With Us |
CHENNAIPLAZA.COM can offer companies, businesses and other organizations an opportunity to advertise on our website. You can reach your target audience locally, regionally and internationally. |
Banner ads are defined to be located on the top or the right side column of the pages depending upon the ad agreement. Banner ads will be on a rotating basis depending upon the package deal the advertiser plans to go with. The ad can be placed in as many stores and at the frequency desired by the advertiser. CHENNAIPLAZA.COM will try to target the appropriate audience visiting the mall for the product or business being advertised. The ad size can be 468 x 60 pixels or 150 x 80 pixels. |
Pricing information can be requested by sending an e-mail message to
CHENNAIPLAZA.COM reserves the right to refuse any sponsorship request, or to cancel sponsorships that do not fulfill the obligations set in the contract. This document is not an offer of advertising space. CHENNAIPLAZA.COM reserves the right to make editorial changes to the advertising program and the frequency of ad banner changes for each sponsor. also reserves the right to set the limit on file size and colors used in the banners.
Advertising is accepted and published entirely on the consideration that the advertiser and/or agency will indemnify and save CHENNAIPPLAZA.COM harmless from and against any claims or suits based upon any aspect of subject matter of the advertisement. CHENNAIPLAZA.COM reserves the right to reject advertisements considered unacceptable as to wording, appearance, or for any other reason.